Good news for green, affordable design! The 100 K House is featured in Inga Saffron's latest Changing Skyline column, "Building a McMini." Described by Saffron as "the antithesis of the McMansion," the 100K House is being developed by Chad Ludeman, founder of Postgreen, and designed by Brian Phillips, principal of Interface Studio Architects and a Collaborative Board Member and volunteer.
In Saffron's column, Brian notes that the design for the 100K House is the close cousin of ISA's green affordable housing design for APM on Sheridan Street as part of the Infill Affordable Housing Design Challenge. "Both projects [...] are trying to boil a house down to - not exactly the essence - but to an understandable series of components. Reducing the number of components is the key to affordability."
ISA received the 2006 AIA Philadelphia Silver Award from AIA Philadelphia in 2006 for the Sheridan Street design.