Following the announcement of VIADUCTGreene as one of the Collaborative's recent service grant recipients, Hidden City Philadelphia published two thought-provoking posts on the alternate futures for the City Branch of the Reading Viaduct.
VIADUCTGreene is exploring the potential for a future gardenpark along the City Branch. Meanwhile, advocates for better transit in Philadelphia argue that the city could miss a big opportunity for a new light rail line serving a dynamic part of Center City.
In Return the City Branch to Transit as Light Rail, Stephen Stofka says, "There’s a clear purpose—-the route parallels Center City west of Broad and can then angle into it through Callowhill. It links destinations, such as the Barnes, Rodin, Art Museum, and (possibly) the Zoo, and at the same time, links highly-walkable neighborhoods like Fairmount and Spring Garden."What's your point of view? Add your commentary to the passionate discussions for each of these articles on Hidden City Philadelphia.
In Make the City Branch Part of a 3 Mile Linear Park Paul vanMeter, says, "Just now, and for the near-long term future, we see telling the story of the city’s industrial past, and creating access and programming to what already is a great, exciting, and beautiful place..."