Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM), LISC Philadelphia, and the City of Philadelphia Office of Housing and Community Development have worked together for over twenty years to transform the APM community in Eastern North Philadelphia from one of blight to one of choice. Their partnership continues with APM’s Sustainable Communities Initiative (SCI) for Eastern North Philadelphia, which was created to implement a long-lasting, sustainable, and comprehensive strategy to meet the challenges facing this community.
The redevelopment of a 1.8-acre, city-owned parcel at 8th and Berks will be part of APM’s SCI-Eastern North strategy. How can we best engage the community in envisioning the site’s future? What unmet community needs will be the right match? And how can one parcel make a difference—as a compass for community change, a connector of people and places, and a catalyst for a sustainable community?
Co-hosted by the Community Design Collaborative, Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha, LISC Philadelphia, City of Philadelphia Office of Housing and Community Development, and AIA Philadelphia.
Two great ways to participate!
Compass, Connector, Catalyst: Re-Imagining 8th and Berks DESIGN CHARRETTE Friday, November 1, 2013, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm Center for Architecture, 1218 Arch Street Re-imagine 8th and Berks in a full-day design charrette bringing together designers, public agencies, community development experts, and community stakeholders as part of AIA Philadelphia’s Design on the Delaware conference.
Register for FRIDAY Charrette through Design on the Delaware $50/$25 AIA members and Collaborative volunteers who have previously donated design services/$15 Associate AIA members 8 AIA/CES (HSW) CEHs; 8 AICP CM; 8 LA CES; 8 CEU Eligible for PA Landscape Architects
REVEAL AND RECEPTION Friday, November 1, 2013, 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm Center for Architecture, 1218 Arch Street
Join us as the participants in the design charrette present a range of redevelopment alternatives for this pivotal site. Register.
$10 general admission/$5 Community Champions 2 AIA/CES (HSW) CEHs