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Soak It Up! Goes to City Hall

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Infill Philadelphia: Soak It Up! will be on display at City Hall from October 7 through December 7, 2013.

Green City, Clean Waters, Philadelphia’s innovative 25-year stormwater management plan, will bring green stormwater infrastructure to neighborhoods throughout Philadelphia. What will these projects look like? How will they work? How can they benefit us beyond managing stormwater?

The Philadelphia Water Department, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Community Design Collaborative created Infill Philadelphia: Soak It Up! to explore green tools for Philadelphia and their potential to revitalize our neighborhoods.

Join us for an exhibition showcasing the innovative, engaging ideas for green stormwater infrastructure that resulted from Infill Philadelphia: Soak It Up!  See entries from the national design competition, design precedents for urban green stormwater infrastructure, and work from our design charrettes.

After your visit, don't forget to tell us what's ahead for your "Green City"  neighborhood  @cdesignc_tweets or #infillsoakitup.

Infill Philadelphia: Soak It Up! Exhibition Philadelphia City Hall 2nd and 4th Floors Mondays through Fridays, 9am to 5pm Use the northeast corner visitor’s entrance. 



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