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Making a Start at Reviving Two Parks

Most of our pro bono park plans get their start through local efforts to unleash the green and make room for good things to happen. Here are tales of two parks—Gold Star Park and Titan Park— that are moving forward thanks to the muscle (and heart) of their communities. As an added bonus—some of our volunteers lent a hand.

  • gold star park depaving tom haliwell


A Gold Star for Tom Halliwell

In April, volunteer Tom Halliwell hosted a bachelor “depaving” party for Gold Star Park. His bachelors chopped out a big swath of asphalt to establish the communal lawn recommended in our pro bono conceptual plan for the park in 2011.

Tom is documenting the equipment, costs, and do’s-and-don’t’s of citizen depaving to help other communities take on similar projects.

Loving Titan Park

Earlier this year, the Collaborative completed a Do-It-Yourself master plan to resurrect this pocket park in South Philadelphia. Our work helped the Titan Park’s supporters take the next step—installing planters and turning the circle of concrete at the center of the park into a planting bed. They reclaimed the neglected park during Love Your Park, getting it ready for use in time for the summer.

Myles Goodman, director of the Friends of Titan Park, writes, “Our Love Your Park day was a huge success. We had almost 30 people show up, and we got more done than I ever imagined. New Collaborative volunteer Doug Maisey joined Titan for their work day. Myles writes, “Thanks for sending us Doug Maisey. He was a huge help. Very professional, worked hard, stayed late, and contributed some great ideas.”


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