April Showers Bring Blooms
Welcome to the first Design Matters of 2022! While we have been quiet, we have been busy behind the scenes as we take shape in an emergent post-Covid world.
Fresh of the heels of our 30th Anniversary, the dormancy of the Winter allowed us to focus internally. We have created fantastic initiatives including diversifying volunteer opportunities and bringing efficiencies to our processes and systems.
We just completed an intensive strategic planning process and are in the middle of a comprehesive DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) initiative. After the last two years brought stops and starts to Design Grant projects, we are ramping up to be in full swing in the next few weeks.
With this activity, it is time for us to re-enage. To Bloom with the Spring and with you. Below you will see the start of opportunities - one being Leverage 2022. We will celebrate in person on June 14th, under the stars at historic Bartram's Garden. Sponsorships are available now, tickets will be available later this month.
You will also see our first foray into expanding our volunteer opportunities with the establishment of a Communications Committee and the Leverage 2022 Exhibit Team. These Teams invite the prowess and talents of those in our community in a way that that invites collaboration in new and differerent ways.
Moving forward, you can expect to hear from us on the regular again. If you are you are not a Collaborative volunteer and would like to receive our updates, click here to complete a volunteer application. Another way to stay in touch with us is to follow us on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.
Enjoy the city's cherry blossoms and the warmer air in the sunshine.
We look foward to blooming with you.
The Community Design Collaborative
Leverage 2022 - Connect with Real People In-Person
Gearing Up for In-Person Leverage! Come see fellow professionals from the design and related industries in person.
Meet us on June 14, 2022 (6 - 8:30 pm) at Bartram’s Garden. We added an extra ½ hour so you can mingle in the fresh air longer.
Become a Leverage Sponsor!
Get the details.
Note the additional recognition and perks available to the higher tier sponsors:
- Silver sponsors enjoy extra recognition on our event promotional emails.
- Gold and Platinum have extra opportunities to stand out and will join our Corporate Champions for a special pre-event D-Tour featuring the 56th Street Gateway conceptual design.
Silver sponsors enjoy extra recognition on our event promotional emails. Gold and Platinum sponsors will join our Corporate Champions for a special pre-event D-Tour featuring the 56th Street Gateway conceptual design.
Don’t wait until the May 13th deadline. The sooner your firm commits, the more recognition.
Tickets will be available in mid-April.
|A Growing Impact Circle
Launched in 2020, this group of leading individual donors welcomed new members in 2021.
Impact Circle donors personally contribute $1,000+ at any time throughout the year. While some make a single gift, others get there with steady monthly gifts.
Several donors joined us in March for a presentation featuring New Kensington CDC’s masterplan which grew out of 2011 pro bono study they undertook with the Collaborative. Donors attending Leverage will also be able to join the pre-event D-Tour featuring the 56th Street Gateway project.
We thank the following donors who made the Collaborative a top priority in 2021:
William and Deborah Becker
Sally Harrison, AIA and Terry Jacobs, AIA
- Anonymous
- Edward Arena
- Alice K. Berman, AIA
- Richard Davies, Esq.
- Alexandra Edsall and Robert Victor
- Sheila Hudson via the Kevin and Sheila Hudson Charitable Trust
- Brad Landis
- Howard Lebold, AIA
- Daniel Mita, Esq.
- Darrick Mix, Esq.
- Charles Moleski
- Jane Rath, AIA
- Michael Spain, Assoc. AIA
- Paul Vernon
- Daniela Voith, FAIA
- Evan Wilbert, PE
- Richard Winston, AIA
- Janice Woodcock, AIA
- Pamela Zimmerman, AIA
Interested in joining them? Contact elyssa@cdesignc.org.
Corporate Champions
Welcome to our newest Corporate Champion – Ballard Spahr, LLP! And welcome back to our returning donors.
Curious what they and other Corporate Champions have access to in 2022? See the benefits package.
These leading corporate donors make a significant, comprehensive annual commitment. Consider standing out among your peers by joining their ranks this year.
Contact Elyssa Kane, Development Manager.
Call for Volunteers
The Collabrative has a busy Spring and Summer coming up. The Collaborative has been busy working behind the scenes with some fantastic initiatives including diversifying volunteer opportunities and bringing efficiencies to our processes and systems.
This means we are ready to engage with you and get to work! In the next few weeks, you will see a host of stellar projects kicking off that are going to need dynamic teams. Right now, we have immediate needs for:
- Leverage 2022 Exhibit Curators - This is the perfect opportunty for the energetic designer with an eye for engagement. We need people with vision and creativity to curate the Event exhibit that will highlight the Collaborative's 2020-2021 work. This is a 6 week commitment, we need 5-6 volunteers
- The Communications Committee - Are you interested in marketing, social media, web design or graphic design? The Communications Committee is charged with output for organization. We tell the story graphically and with content. Write blog posts, speak the community. The commitment is two hours a month.
Interested? Email Kim Wunner now!