Thanks again to a couple more generous sponsors who are making sure that the young bucks of the lighting design world can join in the fun at our Bowling Ball. Ledalite and Lutron...
Philadelphia's own Alan Greenberger will be deliver the keynote address at the Association for Community Design conference in Rochester, NY this week. The theme of ACD's...
Congratulations to this round of Collaborative service grant recipients!
The Collaborative is pleased to award service grants to eight outstanding nonprofits. They are: Central...
Lisa Armstrong, Co-Chair of the Greening Greenfield Committee, writes that the ground breaking for the first phase of the Greening Greenfield project will take place on...
After assessing its options, Frankford Friends School decided on new, on-site construction and sustainable design for its middle school.
Frankford Friends School (FFS)...
With the event just three weeks away, lanes are selling out quickly! Don't have a lane yet? Be sure to register and send in your payment by June 5!
Register online: 13th...
Read the response to the last question in PlanPhilly's exit interview with Mark Alan Hughes for some optimistic words on sustainability and Philadelphia.
2009 - Graduate Architect Greg Hart's first introduction to the Collaborative was attending our annual Bowling Ball four years ago, and he's been a part of the event ever since...
One of my favorite places in Philadelphia is a brick archway between two houses in East Falls with a narrow driveway of blue-gray glazed bricks that leads to a work yard. When...