Meet Erike DeVeyra, long time very involved Collaborative volunteer. Erike is passionate about the effects of design on the environment and its impact on the community. Not only...
Samantha Petty is a long- time Collaborative volunteer. She is a vivaciously smart woman with an inquisitive passion for how a space reflects the values of its community. And,...
Abby Sandherr is a cost estimator with TORCON, which provides construction management and general contracting services to leading corporations and institutions. She recently sat...
Meet Amanda, architect at Bright Common and one of the Collobarative's volunteers. Through her work with the Collaborative, Amanda was able to step out of her comfort zone,...
Betsy Way is a 20 year Collaborative volunteer. We find her ardent dedication and contribution of her voice in community informed design inspiring. In honor of Women's History...
This year, Sacred Places/Civic Spaces brought congregations, communities, and designers together to re-imagine religious properties as venues for both worship and community...
Yoona Ahn is a City Planner and Urban Designer who believes design is a language that is shared by everyone and is intuitive to humans. She views deisgn as a tool or language that...
Mike Spain Associate AIA, NOMA, is a long-time volunteer, current advisory council member, past board member, and all-around amazing supporter! He has worked with us on several...
The Community Design Collaborative has renamed its longstanding community design award to honor the late Paul Sehnert, former Director of Real Estate Development for the...